Gray Neuropsychology Associates, P.C.
Journal Publications/Book Chapters/Abstracts

4/13     Gray, S.G. Reactive Attachment Disorder. In Andrew S. Davis (Ed) Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence. New York: Springer Publishing.

9/11     Thede, L., Oraker, J., Gibson, F., Stanford, L., and Gray, S.G. Neuropsychological and social-emotional factors contributing to qualify of life for adults with Asperger's disorder. Abstract published in The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26, 482.

9/11     Armstrong, L., Inman E., Grimmett, I., Gray, S.G., and Cornelius, R. Examining the utility of the discrepancy model as a basis for learning disability in post-secondary educational settings: A pilot study. Abstract published in The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26, 511.

1/11     Gray, S.G. Reactive Attachment Disorder. In Andrew S. Davis (Ed) Handbook of Pediatric Neuropsychology. New York, New York: Springer Publishing.

9/08     Gray, S.G. Drug and alcohol effects. In David Sanford (Ed) Thriving as an Adoptive Family. Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House.

12/97   Nagel, J.A., Harrell, E., and Gray, S.G. Prediction of achievement scores using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form II. Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior, 34, 41-47.

12/93   Harrell, E., Nagel, J.A., and Gray, S.G. Prediction of WAIS-R performance based on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form II in psychiatric population. Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior, 30, 44-48.

12/92   Dial, J.G., Mezger, C., Gray, S.G., Chan, F., and Massey, T. Cognitive Test for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Dallas, Texas: McCarron-Dial Systems, Inc.

7/91     Dial, J.G., Chan, F., Tunick, R., Gray, S.G., and Marme, M. Neuropsychological evaluation: a functional and behavioral approach. In B.T. McMahon and L.R. Shaw (Eds.) Work Worth Doing: Advances in Brain Injury Rehabilitation. Orlando, Florida: Paul M. Deutsch Press.

7/91     Dial, J.G., Chan, F., Tunick, R., Gray, S.G., and Marme, M. Neuropsychological evaluation, rehabilitation, and return-to-work: a case study. In B.T. McMahon and L.R. Shaw (Eds.) Work Worth Doing: Advances in Brain Injury Rehabilitation. Orlando, Florida: Paul M. Deutsch Press.

4/91     Dial, J.G., Chan, F., Mezger, C., Parker, H., Zangla, K., Wong, D., and Gray, S.G. Comprehensive vocational evaluation system (CVES) for visually impaired and blind persons. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 85, 153-157.

3/91     Dial, J.G., Mezger, C., Gray, S.G., Massey, T., and Chan, F. Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System: A Systematic Approach to Vocational, Educational, and Neuropsychological Assessment. Dallas, Texas: 3-Dimensional Systems.

7/90     Nagel, J., Gray, S.G., and Harrell, E. Factor analysis of the Luria-Nebraska Neuro-psychological Battery Form II. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 4, 285.

2/84     Gray, S.G. The irritable bowel syndrome. A dietary and multi-element psychological approach to its treatment. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 2557.

9/82     Gray, S.G., and Hughes, H.H. Psychological and environmental treatment of asthma: a review. Resources in Education, 17, 72.

5/82     Gray, S.G., and Lawlis, G.F. A case study of pruritic eczema treated by relaxation and imagery. Psychological Report, 51, 627-633.

1/82     Gray, S.G., Hughes, H.H., and Schneider, L.J. Physiological responsivity to a socially stressful situation: the effect of level of moral development. Psychological Record, 32, 29-32.

11/81    Hughes, H.H., Gray, S.G., and Toledo, J.R. Psychological treatment of skin disorders: a review. Psychological Documents, 11, 86.

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